Friday, September 21, 2012


The chips are down, the spirit flagged
Certain things changed, yet, the core remains
No matter what the state
Stay the course brother
some day, the sun will shine
And the day shall be better
Till that day
And to that day
We clasp our hands
And walk together
Unfailing and not wavering
The spirit stands out
The spirit, brother!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I write

I write to write
Of those scenes
That beg to be told
I write to write
To emote
Feel and echo; 
To pinch, perceive and believe
That happy smile;
Ages ago
To remember
Those days; not sunny though
But warmth left
Much like coal of a fire dying

I write
To remind
That reflection there
On the glassy wall
That its time to go
To realise what has been left
By the inferno

I write; perhaps just to write.