Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letting it Go

It was funny, the way it ended. Not long drawn out, neither did it snap shut altogether. She stayed on for a while, took her time and finally laid it bare. How could I do that? How could I be so insensitive? How? how?

It took a lot of courage to tell the truth. Truth be told, it was truth that did me in. Perhaps, I could have, should have and in hindsight would have told a lie. But then, trust was what I prided myself on.

In the way, maybe she is just somebody I used to know!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Burning Bridges

It has been the weirdest in years. The motto has been 'flip flop' and the motive? Well, the motive is yet unclear. For the first time, since well the last time, and mind you, that was ages ago. Well yes, its been a long time, but finally I am reaching the point of literally saying 'Fuck you!'

Do not ask why and definitely not, 'why now'? I know bridges once burned mostly stay that way and life is perhaps too short to ever come back on this track. Believe me, I do love them, most of them anyway, but there is no other way to do this.

Hopefully they shall understand and to those who don't, well that is just how it is.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I feel like a whore.
Well, don't get me wrong. I mean, like a book whore. All day long I log on to flipkart trying to find books, cheap ones and putting them on the backburner for later.

Anyone reading this, you know what I want!
What i have always wanted!! Nothing makes me go gaga more than a book.

I don't mind being a book whore, anyway!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I think I should move to writing something light, something fun and something that would make you laugh. True that?

It has been a long time; too long as usual. The mood is sombre and the veil has lifted to reveal the true nature of your stock. Reveal? Reveal what, you might ask? For the truth was always there for you and me to see, for the both of us to think and understand. But there was no space for thee or three.

Space? I look around the airport and wonder.
What a country, what lands; everywhere I see there is flat land, stretching right upto the horizon. Unlike kathmandu, where everything is squeezed inside those hills; even dreams, pushing and shoving to find their space among the teeming imaginations and machinations of those few who claim to have better matter; grey or white.

It does not matter anyhow, does it? So young and energetic, and who would have thought? Not me, I was never the imaginative type; give me a white canvas and the most I would come up with would be a picture of the hills and the river and crudely drawn mountains with the 'appropriate' flag on it. But he was different, unassuming but he dazzled you if you were lucky enough to offend him.

Offend? Such a casual word, and a silly one at that. Speech, sound, simulation, visuals; your morality is offended by all and sundry; much like the sick old man with the cold. Nothing cures it? Not even those traditional herbs? Take it easy macha!

Macha, what are you going on about? Perhaps you really should write something funny. This one is not quite working out.

Well on working out, take a look at this
