Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Breathing Some life

Amazing just what a little bit of prodding can do. I saw you writing those lines, that preamble you said. So fitting, I thought, just like a constitution. Yet, I did not read on. I squared time away, brought it back to a line and then drew some more knots. Yet I withered on, not reading your lines.

But how long could I wait? You asked me if I had abandoned this place. Maybe I had or maybe I have. But you know me right? Abandon is not my forte.  So instead of writing, I started reading what you had written. Shillong seems to have got to you brother; from loosely hung jeans to violence, to bandhs and questions of existentialism

I like it that you put out some videos. You know, it gives me some good music to listen to, and to be honest to appear cool to the ladies. I still remember and treasure that one by Cohen that you sent. And that one with Dawkins is cool. But you could have at least spared poor Arnab. I am sure the 'nation' wants to know a lot of things from his guests!

I guess, this place is whispering; a few tunes for now. Hopefully more shall come to remain.

PS: The colours on your blog are very difficult for colour blind people! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Choosing Sides

And at times like these I know,
Often I fight wrong battles;
needless ones at that!

Time now to join the feast
and dance in joy,
rather than misery.

For once, no fear of opinions
and yet
care for the world.

Its going to be one long ride;
one hell of a time

Monday, May 20, 2013

Risk - Love?

It is 4 in the morning, with Rabbi blasting full volume into my ears. Class is but a mere few hours away;and the world post law school, less than a month. Yes, I will miss this place. In it's own way, it has helped me and built me. But that is not the reason, why i am writing today. Instead, it is to go to one of my favourite jaunts; love.

Its time to rewind the clock
And put that heart on the block

It is not difficult to get attracted to a few pretty faces; people one can relate to instinctively . But for too long, I have held myself back. Every move has been filled with trepidation and caution. No longer. Perhaps it is time to leave the moderate path for a bit and actually put my heart on the line. Whats the point of playing safe anyways?:)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year Resolutions

Now, every New Year is supposed to have a resolution. Maybe not, but that is what my mind comes to, without fail, almost every year. Since I celebrate at least 2 New Years [would be even more if I celebrate the New Year holidays given for different communities back home], that gives me a greater chance of keeping it till the next one.

This year, somehow, I forgot to kick-start the process. However, the little fracas that I had today, has given me one. Without passing any judgments on who threw the first punch, was it warranted or justified or any of those other things,  I just don't think that violence is the answer. It just is not, and I am not too happy with my actions. I guess the New Year Resolution should rightly be, "Keep calm and no violence".

Happy New Year everyone!
Stay blessed and stay in peace!