Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A case of the Randoms

Not so long ago, I read somewhere about the downward trend in blogging. Suddenly blogging was not cool anymore and networking sites like twitter and facebook seem to have taken over.Seems true.

Blogging does take a bit of time, at least in the relative sense compared to a status message update on facebook or twitter and the like, thought the comparison is strictly with regards to writing.

Writing; whether generally or on a blog does release a lot of angst, which is in abundance during the college years. But this angst takes its toll on the quality of the writing, although generally enhancing the quantitative output. Quality suffers especially with the general meandering sense of direction resulting perhaps, in a shift of creativity. Though serving a useful purpose, it sometimes takes away the beauty of the writing.

But is this necessarily true? A lot of wonderful writing has been produced during moments of pain, suffering and angst. For one, Bob Dylan seems to be at his best, when his personal life is at its worst."Shelter From the Storm" never ceases to touch my soul and give a wonderful sense of calm.

Maybe it is best to go back to angst and the direction that it should be taking. A cursory (or even detailed in some cases) look at the self help books show them to be talking about similar things such as focus, direction and perseverance. Simple things, yet a source of monetary windfall for those who have put it down on paper. An example yet again of a proper direction. Not that, I believe or claim the focus of these people are a result of angst and anxiety. But mortals without such worldly troubles are but a chosen few.

See, started to write about something and ended up writing something else.perhaps a reduction in angst :) but a decrease in quality; perhaps an increase in quantity but nonetheless nothing creative yet. A need to have a direction.

PS: A self help book might just be on the way, especially to go with the Arindam Chowdhury look.:)

1 comment:

  1. quality may suffer in the short run and not all posts may be of same quality but in the long run, quality always improves. Yes, it's true. Blogging helps your thoughts flow freely and you don't have to use a word editor constantly and stop periodically. That's the beauty of blogging. It's natural.
