Thursday, September 16, 2010


Its really a circle, innit?
Hopping from one to the other
but never far
too far
to move away
to meet once
and then never again
Running around
Wishing those soothing words
And seeing them transform
into nothingness
Make believe innit?
Almost got me though
I say that
Within the circle
Its still a circle, innit?


  1. its pretty confusing, innit? I got lost somewhere in the fourth circle...illumination, from you, would be most welcome

  2. Wish it would make sense to me too da! Perhaps about wanting to meet people once and then never see them again, so that their 'best' image is preserved. Or maybe, if you do see them again, being able to have the sense to not believe in their/your nonsense. Maybe, just being able to break free?
    Pretty nonsensical anyway :)

  3. Its not at all nonsense, but the revelation of our true nature and behaviour. However, keeping aside the best image, let life show some real and absurd part of it...complications have their own joy. Relish the circles and their intersections if you can't escape them. Thankfully you have something to tackle with it and that's your 'perception' !!
